This page is meant to have all the homework to my classes. This list does not have all the homework for all the different classes. There are some links at the bottom to places where you could find homework for other teachers. If your having trouble reading the chart, the homework is color coded so that it is the same color as the class it pertains to and is italicized if it is short term homework and bolded if it is long term. So for example, if your looking for long term science homework, find the blue text that is bolded. The column headers should also help you read the chart easier.
Last Updated March 26th.
Class Short Term Homework Long Term Homework
Algebra -College Project College Project Due First
(Strain) Day After Spring Break
Grade: 7/8
Science -None None
Grade: 7
Language Arts -None Chapter Summaries(Jablonski)
Grade: 7
Social Studies -None None
Grade: 7
Chart Summary:
You may have noticed that the college project for math is both long and short term homework. That is not a mistake. I did that because the due date is practically here!
Note: The size of your browser window may effect how the graph is lined up.
If I haven't updated the chart recently, or you can't read the chart, here are some websites made by the teachers were you can find homework.
Mrs. Shelley Homework
Mr. Hannigan Homework
Mr. Lyons Homework
Mrs. Strain Homework
Mrs. Graves Homework
Mr. Lindstrom Homework
If you have any questions about the homework in the graph, please leave a comment.
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thank you Ryan for this list of homework